Academics | Bachelor's Program
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Welcome, Computer Science undergraduates and prospective students!
The Computer Science Department has consistently maintained the reputation of being one of the top Computer Science programs in the world. Prospective CS students do not need any prior background to study this subject! Many students start taking the introductory courses (e.g CS106) with no prior experience coding. The Computer Science Department has a variety of opportunities for undergraduates to engage with CS; whether it be majoring, minoring, teaching, doing research, or exploring our rigorous courses.

Department of Computer Science
BS Track Options
Apply your interests and explore the various specialties available in our CS program.
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Summer 2023 - CURIS Poster Session.
Upcoming Events
CS Info Sessions
Computer Science Major & Minor Info Session
Join us to learn more about CS Major and CS Minor Programs! We will be going over major and minor requirements, the declaration process and CS student resources-