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Course Schedule | Summer

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Academic Year '23-'24

Not a Stanford student? Go to Stanford Summer Session for information regarding courses available to Summer Visitor students.

Important Note: Courses that have an asterisk (*) are eligible SCPD courses.

CS24Minds and MachinesRoseTh 10:30-11:50am260-113
CS103*Mathematical Foundations of ComputingLianM, W, F 6:00-7:50pmHewlett 201
CS106A*Programming MethodologyKwartengT, Th, F 1:30-2:45pmTBA
CS106B*Programming AbstractionsSzumlanskiM, T, W, Th, F 1:30-2:45pmTBA
CS107*Computer Organization and SystemsKeppler/AdekolaM, W, F 1:00-2:15pmTBA
CS109*Intro to Probability for Computer ScientistsCochranM, W, F 3:00-4:15pmTBA
CS161*Design and Analysis of AlgorithmsSotoudehTBATBA
CS191Senior Project(none listed)  
CS192Programming Service Project(none listed)  
CS193C*Client-Side Internet TechnologiesYoungT, Th 1:30-3:30pmTBA
CS199Independent Work(none listed)  
CS199PIndependent Work(none listed)  
CS229Machine LearningAmjadT, Th 4:30-6:15pmTBA
CS247GDesign for PlayWodtke/NairM, T, W, Th 10:30am-12:30pmLathrop 180
CS390ACurricular Practical Training(none listed)  
CS390BCurricular Practical Training(none listed)  
CS390CCurricular Practical Training(none listed)  
CS390DPart-time Curricular Practical Training(none listed)  
CS399Independent Project(none listed)  
CS399PIndependent Project(none listed)  
CS499Advanced Reading and Research(none listed)  
CS499PAdvanced Reading and Research(none listed)  
CS802TGR Dissertation(none listed)