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Course Schedule | Winter

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Academic Year '23-'24

Not a Stanford student? Go to Stanford Summer Session for information regarding courses available to Summer Visitor students.

Important Note: Courses that have an asterisk (*) are eligible SCPD courses.

CS22ASocial & Economic Impact of Artificial IntelligencKaplanW 1:30-2:20pmCemex Aud
CS24Minds and MachinesWuTh 12:00-1:20pmBishop Aud
CS29NComputational Decision MakingSahamiM, W 3:00-4:20pm200-217
CS40Cloud Infrastructure(none listed)M, W 4:30-5:50pm380-380W
CS51CS + Social Good StudioCainT, Th 4:30-5:50pmLittlefield 107
CS83NPlayback TheaterReingoldF 1:30-4:20pmEncina West 202
CS100AProblem-solving Lab for CS 106AKingW 3:30-5:20pm 
CS100BProblem-solving Lab for CS 106B(none listed)Th 1:30-3:20pm 
CS103*Mathematical Foundations of ComputingLiuM, W, F 4:30-5:50pmGates B01
CS103AMathematical Problem-solving StrategiesGuanT 3:00-4:50pm160-326
CS104Introduction to Software SystemsAchourM, W, F 3:00-4:20pm260-113
CS106AProgramming MethodologyParlanteM, W, F 12:30-1:20pmHewlett 200
CS106B*Programming AbstractionsSzumlanskiM, W, F 11:30am-12:20pmSHewlett 200
CS106LStandard C++ Programming LaboratoryWhitneyT, Th 3:00-4:20pmTuring Aud
CS107*Computer Organization and SystemsGreggM, W, F 10:30-11:20amNVIDIA Aud
CS107AProblem-solving Lab for CS 107YuT, Th 4:30-5:20pm 
CS107EComputer Systems from the Ground UpZelenski/HanraM, F 10:30-12:20380-380W
CS108*Object-Oriented Systems DesignYoungT, Th 1:30-2:50pmGates B03
CS109*Intro to Probability for Computer ScientistsCainM, W, F 3:00-4:20pmGates B01
CS109AProblem Solving Lab for 109QinTh 6:30-8:20pmSTLC 115
CS111*Operating Systems PrinciplesTroccoliM, W, F 1:30-2:20pmHewlett 200
CS111AProblem Solving Lab for CS111MasterT 9:30-11:20am 
CS112*Operating Systems Kernel Impl ProjMazieresM, W 1:30-2:50pmGates B01
CS124From Languages to InformationJurafskyT, Th 3:00-4:20pmHewlett 200
CS129Machine Learning (Applied)Bensouda MourrTh 9:00-10:20am200-303
CS131Computer Vision: Foundations and ApplicationsNiebles DuqueT, Th 3:00-4:20pm320-105
CS140EOperating Systems Design and ImplementationEnglerT, Th 5:30-7:20pmY2E2 111
CS144*Introduction to Computer NetworkingWinsteinM, W 1:30-2:50pmBishop Aud
CS153Applied Security at ScaleAbbottM 2:30-4:20pm370-370
CS161*Design and Analysis of AlgorithmsAnariM, W, F 10:30am-12:20pmSSkilling Aud
CS161AProblem-Solving Lab for CS161SharkovTh 3:00-4:50pmSTLC 105
CS173AComputational Tour of Human GenomeBejeranoM, W 12:30-2:20pm 
CS190Software Design StudioOusterhoutM, W, F 1:30-2:50pmGilbert 117
CS191Senior Project(none listed)by arrangement 
CS191WWriting Intensive Senior Project(none listed)by arrangement 
CS192Programming Service Project(none listed)by arrangement 
CS194Software ProjectBorensteinM, W, F 12:30-1:20pmLathrop 282
CS194HUser Interface Design ProjectLandayM, W 1:30-3:20pm160-124
CS194WSoftware Project (WIM)BorensteinM, W, F 12:30-1:20pmLathrop 282
CS195Supervised Undergraduate Research(none listed)by arrangement 
CS197Computer Science ResearchGandhiTh 4:30-5:20pm200-303
CS198Teaching Computer ScienceGreggM 4:30-5:50pm 
CS198BAdditional Topics in Teaching Computer ScienceGregg  
CS199Independent Work(none listed)by arrangement 
CS199PIndependent Work(none listed)by arrangement 
CS205L*Continuous Math Methods Emphasis on Machine LearnFedkiwT, Th 12:00-1:20pmNVIDIA Aud
CS206Exploring Computational JournalismAgrawalaT 9:00-11:50am120-S40
CS210ASoftware Project Experience with Corporate PartnerBorensteinT, Th 1:30-2:50pm 
CS212*Operating Systems and Systems ProgrammingMazieresM, W 1:30-2:50pmGates B01
CS223A*Introduction to RoboticsKhatibM, W 3:00-4:20pmGates B03
CS224GApps With LLMs InsideWhaley/JanninkT, Th 10:30-11:50am370-370
CS224N*Natural Language Processing with Deep LearningYang/HashimotoT, Th 4:30-5:50pmNVIDIA Aud
CS228*Probabilistic Graphical Models: Principles and TecErmonT, Th 10:30-11:50amGates B01
CS229*Machine LearningFox/KoyejoM, W 1:30-2:50pmNVIDIA Aud
CS233Geometric and Topological Data AnalysisGuibasM, W 3:00-4:20pmSTLC 111
CS237B*Principles of Robot Autonomy IIBohg/PavoneM, W 1:30-2:50pmPackard 101
CS239Sequential Decision MakingKochenderferT, Th 9:00-10:20amSTLC 115
CS241Embedded Systems WorkshopLevisT, Th 10:30-11:50am200-205
CS243*Program Analysis and OptimizationsLamM, W 3:00-4:20pmThornton 102
CS246*Mining Massive Data SetsLeskovecT, Th 3:00-4:20pmNVIDIA Aud
CS247BDesign for Behavior ChangeWodtkeT, Th 1:30-4:20pmCemex Aud
CS247SService DesignStanfordW, F 9:30am-12:20pmLathrop 296
CS248A*Computer Graphics: Rendering,Geometry,Image ManipuFatahalianT, Th 1:30-2:50pm 
CS249IThe Modern InternetDurumericM, W 3:00-4:20pmGates B12
CS254Computational ComplexityTanM, W 3:00-4:20pm200-002
CS255*Introduction to CryptographyBonehM, W 3:00-4:20pmNVIDIA Aud
CS256*Algorithmic FairnessReingoldT, Th 10:30-11:50am 
CS270Modeling Biomedical SystemsMusenM, W, F 3:00-4:20pmThornton 102
CS275ASymbolic Musical InformationSelfridge-FielT, Th 1:30-2:50pmBraun 131
CS295Software EngineeringAchourW, F 1:30-2:20pmGates B12
CS324HHistory of NLPJurafsky/ManniM 1:30-4:20pmSTLC 104
CS339RCollaborative RoboticsKennedyT, Th 12:00-1:20pm530-127
CS342Building for Digital HealthAalami/GuestriT, Th 4:30-5:50pmMSOBX303
CS343DDomain-Specific Programming Models and CompilersKjolstadT, Th 10:30-11:50amLittlefield 107
CS348C*Computer Graphics: Animation and SimulationJamesT, Th 3:00-4:20pmThornton 102
CS348IGraphics in the Era of AIWu/LiuM, W 1:30-2:50pm260-113
CS353Logic and Formal PhilosophyIcardW 4:30-6:20pm380-381U
CS366Computational Social ChoiceGoelT, Th 1:30-2:50pm160-332
CS369OOptimization AlgorithmsSidfordT, Th 1:30-2:50pmSTLC 111
CS375Large-Scale Neural Net Modeling for NeuroscienceYaminsT, Th 10:30-11:50amGates B12
CS390ACurricular Practical Training(none listed)by arrangement 
CS390BCurricular Practical Training(none listed)by arrangement 
CS390CCurricular Practical Training(none listed)by arrangement 
CS390DPart-time Curricular Practical Training(none listed)by arrangement 
CS399Independent Project(none listed)by arrangement 
CS399PIndependent Project(none listed)by arrangement 
CS422Interactive and Embodied LearningHaberM, W 1:30-2:50pmThornton 211
CS432Comp Vision for Educ and Soc Science ResearchHaberM, W 4:30-5:50pm200-107
CS448IComputational Imaging and DisplayWetzsteinM, W 1:30-2:50pmY2E2 111
CS470Music and AIWangT, Th 10:30-12:20Knoll 217
CS498CIntro to CSCLPeaTh 1:30-4:20pmremote
CS499Advanced Reading and Research(none listed)by arrangement 
CS499PAdvanced Reading and Research(none listed)by arrangement 
CS528Machine Learning SeminarNarayan/ZhangW 1:30-2:50pmEcon 140
CS529*Robotics and Autonomous Systems SeminarPavoneF 12:30-1:20pmSkilling Aud
CS547*Human-Computer Interaction SeminarBernsteinF 10:30am-12:20pmSHuang 18
CS802TGR Dissertation(none listed)by arrangement