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Professor (Research) of Computer Science and of Surgery (Anatomy), Emeritus
J Kenneth Salisbury, Jr.
Professor (Research) of Computer Science and of Surgery (Anatomy), Emeritus
Salisbury worked on the development of the Stanford-JPL Robot Hand, the JPL Force Reflecting Hand Controller, the MIT-WAM arm, and the Black Falcon Surgical Robot. His work with haptic interface technology led to the founding of SensAble Technology, producers of the PHANToM haptic interface and software. He also worked on the development of telerobotic systems for dexterity enhancement in the operating room. His current research focuses on human-machine interaction, cooperative haptics, medical robotics, and surgical simulation.
PhD, Stanford University, Mechanical Engineering (1982)
MS, Stanford University, Mechanical Engineering (1977)
BS, Stanford University, Electrical Engineering (1975)