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Paul Pigott Professor of Engineering and Professor, by courtesy, of Electrical Engineering
Leonidas Guibas
Paul Pigott Professor of Engineering and Professor, by courtesy, of Electrical Engineering
Professor Guibas heads the Geometric Computation group in the Computer Science Department of Stanford University and is a member of the Computer Graphics and Artificial Intelligence Laboratories. He works on algorithms for sensing, modeling, reasoning, rendering, and acting on the physical world. Guibas interests span computational geometry, geometric modeling, computer graphics, computer vision, sensor networks, robotics, and discrete algorithms --- all areas in which he has published and lectured extensively. Current foci of interest include geometric modeling with point cloud data, deformations and contacts, organizing and searching libraries of 3D shapes and images, sensor networks for lightweight distributed estimation / reasoning, analysis of GPS traces and other mobility data, and modeling the shape and motion biological macromolecules and other biological structures. More theoretical work is aimed at investigating fundamental computational issues and limits in geometric computing and modeling.
PhD, Stanford University (1976)
MS, California Institute of Technology (1971)
BS, California Institute of Technology (1971)
(650) 723-0304
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