PhD | Teaching Requirement
Teaching experience is valuable for CS PhD students. It allows them to demonstrate their knowledge of CS topics, improve their public speaking and presentation skills, and explore future career options in academia.
Teaching Requirement
CS PhD Students are required to complete course assistantships (CA) or teaching fellow (TF) during their academic career for courses in Computer Science numbered 100 or above. This requirement can be completed with either 2-50% appointments or 4-25% appointments of CAships or TF for a total of 100%.
A CA receives the same salary and tuition benefits as a research assistant (RA). A TF receives a higher salary.
Note: The teaching requirement must be completed by the fourth year. As a matter of policy, a student should satisfy half of the teaching requirement in the first two years of their program. Students are encouraged to complete the teaching requirement early in their stay to eliminate conflicts with later dissertation work. Participation in research throughout the student's career routinely satisfies the research requirement.
Certificate of Distinction in Teaching Award
A graduating PhD student is eligible to receive a certificate of distinction in teaching if the following conditions are met:
- At least one CS faculty member who has supervised the student as a course assistant nominates the student for this distinction; this nomination is e-mailed to Jay Subramanian.
- The student should have completed five (5) 50% CAships as a Course Assistant (CA) in CS courses, of which at least one course should be taught as a Teaching Fellow (TF) with primary responsibility for organizing and teaching a course (tutored video does not qualify).
If you have any questions regarding the Teaching Requirement, please email