PhD | Petition for MS Degree
Current CS PhD students can petition to add a MSCS degree. To do so, you need to fill out the "Graduate Program Authorization Petition" which is available via Axess. From the Academics panel in your Student Center, select "Petitions and Forms" from the drop down menu to submit the Grad Auth electronically. The form needs to be completed before the apply to graduate deadline, so do not wait until the last minute to complete it.
Petitioning for the MS Degree
There is a $125 application fee to add the Master's program to your PhD program.
You can submit your petition for MSCS degree after completing the following requirements:
- Aligning with faculty
- Foundation and Breadth Requirements
- Candidacy
Guidelines to add the MSCS degree
Log onto Axess.
- Click "Student" tab
- Under the "Academics" header, there is a drop-down menu; select "Petitions and Forms"
- On the next page, select "Graduate Program Authorization Petition"
- Do not click the box by "I wish to discontinue this program..."
- Click the quarter that you wish to receive your MS
- Click "No" to the question asking if you are enrolling in an official joint program
- Under "Requested New Program", indicate "CS"
- Under "Degree", indicate "CS-MS"
- Click "Submit"
Your petition will be routed to Meredith Hutchin,, MSCS Student Services Director.
Apply to confer your MS Program
You are eligible to confer your MS Degree after satisfying the following requirements:
- Petition for MS Degree one quarter prior to conferring your MSCS Degree
- Completing your Qualifying Examination
- Minimum of 45 units (and a 3.0 GPA)
Submit your application for conferral on Axess. It will be routed to Meredith Hutchin,, MSCS Student Services Director, for her review and approval.
Do not forget to "Apply to Graduate" for your Master's program, as well as your PhD program on Axess, if you are conferring your MS along with your PhD.
IMPORTANT NOTE: The University places a limit on the number of transfer units and units that you can ‘double-count’ towards your MS and PhD degrees. You can use up to 45 units of transfer units or MS units. You can not utilize both towards the 135 units that are required for the PhD degree.